Orwellian World Landscape
Brighton based crew directed by VX wielding genius Al Hodgson. Originated in Bristol in 2014 by Stefan Darque and originally referred to as Owl Skateboards. Orwellian World Landscape focus on creating video projects with substance, incorporating nature and highlighting predominately rough UK untouched spots.
Previous projects include 'Circadian', 'Double Yellow Lines', 'Pavilion', 'Moorland', 'Maritime' and most recently a new video series called 'Villagers', Chapter 1 now playing on the Vague Skate Mag site. The crew consists of Jimmy Silver, Dougie George, Dan Fisher-Eustance, JP Arnold, Matt Ransom, James Griffiths, Phil Russell and many more.
Expect a whole host of products from the brand including skateboards, clothing, zines and accessories.